About Me
I don’t want to waste another minute. It’s been many twists and turns and sometimes a straight up about face, but something is different now. I am different now and a lot more clear about how I want to continue showing up in the online space. Word to Nipsey Hussle for inspiring so many of us to be more thoughtful about that.
I wanted to get back to writing stories that mattered and revamping the space that has given me so much over the years. Here, I tell stories, share opinions, and may share about some music that moves me.
I am a little literary and a little hip-hop and those two worlds collide most often for me, so here we are.
Love, and always more love,

“Courage starts with showing up and allowing ourselves to be seen.”
—Brene Brown

Short Story
Breakfast for Dinner, Heartbeat
Tiffany D. Jackson’s Latest Novel Centers the Vulnerability of Black Girls, ZORA
Terry McMillan Proves “It’s Not All Downhill From Here”, Zora
The Philadelphia Success Story, Profile on Pnb Rock, Jump Magazine
Ask Yourself These Three Questions to Know if You're Ready to Buy a House, HelloGiggles
How to Buy a House and Not Go Insane, The Cut
Here’s How I Got a Mortgage (Even Though I Thought I Couldn’t), Apartment Therapy
What I Wish I’d Done in My 20s to Have More Money in My 30s, The Cut
Fight The Power: 11 Powerful Protest Songs Advocating For Racial Justice, GRAMMY.com
Black-Owned Music Venues to Support Now, GRAMMY.com
Personal Essay
Someone Lied to me About Life, Essence.com
An online portfolio of essays on pop culture, music, and more.
Author and music industry executive Ashley M. Coleman bridges the creative worlds of literature and music. Her debut novel GOOD MORNING, LOVE (Simon & Schuster, 2022) garnered attention from Joy the Baker, Katie Couric Media, and earned a spot on Bustle's "Most Anticipated Books of June 2022" list. As a journalist, Coleman's bylines appear in Essence.com, The Cut, Apartment Therapy, and GRAMMY.com.
Drawing from over a decade of music industry experience, Coleman dedicates herself to nurturing creative voices from marginalized communities. She founded Permission to Write in 2017, establishing a vital community for Black writers and writers of color. A 2023 Torch Literary Arts retreat inaugural fellow, Coleman continues to create safe spaces and educational opportunities that empower emerging creatives across both the literary and music landscapes.
Speaking Engagements
Push to Publish (2023)
Bombay Beach Lit Festival (2023)
LA Times Festival of Books (Signing with Malik Books)
The Glow Up - R29 Unbothered (2022)
The City Wide Creative Summit
Temple University, Journalism 101
Temple Association of Black Journalists
Blogalicious 8
To Build an Anti-Racist Media, Look to BIPOC Communities

Permission to Write