Episode 31: Creativity & Quarantine

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

In episode 31, Ashley and Gabrielle talk about being creative during quarantine 2020 (which should still be going on! Stay at home and wear your mask folks). They share their thoughts on collective quarantine experiences like watching Versuz and Insecure on Sunday's, if the craziness of 2020 has changed how they think about their work, and how collaboration has changed for them. 

Life Hack: Bookshop.org—Permission to Write + Studio Ione

In Our Words: Books that helped the hosts think differently about their creativity/writing?  

  • A: Self-Made by Nely Galan, Bird by Bird Anne Lamott, Choose Yourself by James Altchucher

  • G: The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, Resonate by Alex Wolf, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Music (captions)

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Episode 32: Entice the People


Episode 30: Audience of One