What’s Not to Get About Love Jones?
I’ve often heard folks including my mother, hi mom, say they just don’t get Love Jones, and I’m here to stan. Now, when the film originally premiered in 1997, I didn’t have a clue. I was eleven years old. However, when revisiting as an adult, I got the hype. I can’t watch it without grinning, so I decided to share my side of the story.

What If I’m Not Ready Yet?
Summer is feeling in full swing here on the East Coast and after the year and a half we’ve had, I get why folks are ready to get back in action. But everything in me has been asking, “Am I ready to get back to the rat race?”

To Be and Feel Seen
Currently, I’m working through The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Very slowly, I should also say. But when I have the time, I’ve been reading through the exercises and utilizing her wildly popular morning pages method and even trying to take myself on a few artists dates, quarantine edition. One of the passages stuck with me that talked about our negative self speak and tracing the route of those thoughts that inundate us and eventually create roadblocks to our creativity. In reading, I realized just how fortunate I am that no one in my life ever really tried to tell me who or what I couldn’t be.